Help for citizens

Employment services are provided to assist and support jobseekers, candidates and employees through active labour market measures, which include:

  • job placement;
  • provision of professional counselling services;
  • training and preparation for the labour market;
  • provision of benefits and allowances. 

You can find the current job vacancies on the website Online Guide to the Labour Market (

A citizen who wants to work and is looking for a job can make themselves available to the relevant Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family and ask for registration as a jobseeker. Being a registered jobseeker is a citizen's right, not their duty.

Professional counselling helps citizens to find a suitable job matching their personal skills and job requirements. 

The Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family can arrange for the training and preparation of jobseekers for the labour market if:

  • they do not have enough professional knowledge and skills,
  • they need to change their knowledge and skills in response to labour market demand, 
  • they have lost the ability to work in the previous job.

Employees who were registered as jobseekers before taking up employment are provided with the following allowances:

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