Cooperation in the provision of the allowance

State administration bodies, municipalities, healthcare facilities, school facilities and other legal entities and individuals who provide data for the purposes of the parental allowance are required:

  • to cooperate with offices of Labour, social affairs and family (the ‘payer’);
  • to report, at the request of the office, personal data about the beneficiary and the child, and other data on the due care of the child and on the gainful employment of the beneficiary in order to check that the conditions relating to the entitlement to the parental allowance, and to the amount and payment thereof, remain in place.

The payer may visit the beneficiary at his or her place of residence and may request all legal entities and individuals involved to provide information and explanations about the conditions in which entitlement to the parental allowance have remained in place. These entities and individuals are obliged to provide the necessary information.

The payer must exercise the greatest discretion with regard to facts it learns in connection with the provision of the parental allowance. It discloses information on these facts only if withholding such information would seriously endanger the life or health of individuals or if it is required to do so by a special regulation.

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